Thursday, January 22, 2009


hAPPY biRfDAY sasha! [even though it was yesterday--oops]

so apparently, i'm condoning my little cousin's truancy. she has a tendency to call me at 8am to ask if she can come over, instead of taking her ass to school. and like an ass, i let her. she came over yesterday with her friend beyonka. i swear, if it was any other friend, i would've put her ass out. i don't like her friends. these little sixteen year old bitches get on my nerves. beyonka's just adorable. she braided my whole head in box braids as i fell asleep.

i'm exhausted. i don't know why i'm so tired lately. [no i'm not pregnant, so shut the fuck up]

model rehearsal for the eco envy show kicks off on monday. i can't wait to put these bitches to work.

classes start on tuesday. the schedule's nasty. tuesdays and thursdays will definitely be the worst days of the week for me:

principles of science lab 8-9:40 am [only on tuesdays]
textiles 10-11:40 am
fashion buying 2:30-3:45 pm
principles of science 4:30-5:45 pm
college algebra/trig 6-7:40 pm

*sidebar: i'm definitely not going to class on my birthday. fuck outt heree.

there's nothing much to blog about today, for my days have been pretty event-less.

new playlist. something completely different. enjoy =]

i leave you with this amazing pic. moments like this make me actually want to have a family.

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